Sentinel Irrigation
Optimize Nitrogen
Optimize Nitrogen
Nitrogen is essential for healthy crop growth. But applying the right amount of the element has been an inexact science leading to lost profits and environmental harm.
Finding a solution to the nitrogen dilemma drew Jackson Stansell, our Founder & CEO, to the University of Nebraska – Lincoln to pursue a master’s in agricultural engineering. Through his master’s work, he developed a software and management framework for using imagery to provide growers and their trusted advisors with data-driven fertigation scheduling recommendations.
The resulting product, now called N-Time™ FMS, was field tested and delivered superb results, with 100% of operations improving nitrogen fertilizer uses efficiency compared to typical management.
Jackson founded Sentinel Fertigation in September 2021 to scale up his fertigation solution and put it in the hands of producers who are using it to improve yields and profits.
Sentinel’s driven, experienced team is implementing our N-Time™ system in fields across Nebraska, Kansas, and beyond helping farmers and their advisors manage confidently, profit sustainably.
Learn more about Sentinel Irrigation
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